Thursday, 13 May 2010

Want To Eliminate Those Man Boobs By This Summer?

Yes, you heard it - if you learn the secret of getting rid of man boobs now, in just a few weeks from now you can be walking around in a T-shirt or topless at the beach with people seeing you as a man for a change!

If you do all the right things and follow all the little tactics that are proven to reduce man boobs, then your body will eventually shed away that boob fat.

...and leave behind the body of a true man - just like nature intended.

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why with time, more and more men are growing breasts? Just a few decades ago man boobs were so rare, that almost nobody would have any interest in reading this article!. Modern technology, food processing, the use of the contraceptive pill by women, the use of preservatives in food and cosmetics, and many more factors are to blame!

"How are these factors causing my man boobs?"

Well the reason you have man boobs is because there's too much of the female hormone oestrogen in the environment - and in your body. Oestrogen and oestrogen-like particles are used as preservatives to increase the shelf-life of your food and cosmetics, and they're used to make cosmetics more easy to apply on your skin (through which oestrogen is readily absorbed by the way). In some parts of the world such as in the USA, farmers pump their livestock with oestrogen to make them grow larger and produce more milk. And guess what happens when you consume the meat and you consume the milk? Yup, your own oestrogen levels go up, thereby feeding those man boobs.

See, it's not just man boobs that are becoming more and more common, but also breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and a range of other diseases all for the same reason. Oestrogens in the environment have reached dangerous levels, and despite all the evidence to show oestrogen as a fuel for a huge range of common cancers, nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

"Ok, Enough Of That, Now Tell Me How To Lose Those Horrid Man Boobs!"

Ok, what you have to do is take part in an intensive oestrogen-reducing regime. Because there is so much oestrogen in your environment (you're even breathing it in while walking around in a city or fueling up your car), you have to use every tactic available to you to reduce oestrogen as much as possible, keeping in mind that it isn't possible to get rid of it completely.

Exercise is also a crucial element in losing those man boobs. And I'm not talking about bench presses or push ups, but rather about a special method of exercise geared toward generalised body-fat reduction. The more fat you have, the more circulating oestrogen you'll have, since fat is a medium for oestrogen-storage, and also contains an enzyme that converts the male hormone testosterone into oestrogen. Getting rid of as much fat as possible from your body will help you tremendously in your struggle against your boobs.

So if you've really had enough of your man boobs, and can't wait to get rid of them, I totally advise you Click Here to learn How To Lose Man Boobs .

You might also want to read this article on...
How To Lose Chest Fat With Exercise
Getting Rid Of Gynecomastia.

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Want To Eliminate Those Man Boobs By This Summer?

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